what you’ll find here
See the home improvement projects that I’ve completed in my home, get tips from a professional interior designer for your home, and see what projects I’m completing for my business, McNeill Brown Interior Design.
You can also gain insight about your interior design career as I share about my experiences working in TV production, residential interior design and architecture. READ MORE
I love trying new restaurants and lately I have been cooking more at home. Find recipes you can make for yourself and your family that are delicious, easy and quick to make HERE!
I would be nothing without my faith in Jesus. Read about how following HIm has lead me through my career, personal life and living well with multiple sclerosis HERE.
I am blessed to have an amazing husband and daughter! I share my mom hacks HERE.
I love sharing my approachable affordable style finds HERE.
Coming Soon
It’s hard to believe we’re nearly a month into 2021.
What a year 2020 was! I think we all just held on tight and weathered the highs, lows and bumps along the ride. I’m so grateful to say that I along with my loved ones weathered the storm without too much damage, but it truly breaks my heart that we went through so much to make it here!
Getting Organized with The Container Store
I’m a newlywed making my house a home with my husband. When I moved in, he had already done quite a bit of decorating in his fairly new home. I was excited that The Container Store wanted to partner with me to begin getting my things in order after moving in. Surprisingly, my clothes didn’t take up as much space as my shoes! If you’ve been following me for a while you know that I am an avid thrift store shoe shopper and my clothes didn’t take up as much space as my shoes!
DIY Desk Makeover
See how I transformed this vintage desk from blah to beautiful for less that $100. This DIY project took only about 2 days from start to finish and now I have a desk that I will use and love for years to come.
My MS Story
Earlier this month, I talked a little bit about the reality of living with multiple sclerosis on my IG stories. I promised I would share more about my personal story, so in this post, I’m doing just that. I’m not gonna lie, it’s a little bit terrifying to share such an intimate part of my life, but because it’s MS Awareness month, I couldn’t let the week pass without making good on my promise. In this post, I share how I was diagnosed with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, how I have been managing it, and what I do to take care of myself while living with this autoimmune disorder.
Meet Mrs. Brown
Last weekend I married the love of my life in an intimate elopement ceremony in Asheville, NC
More KBIS 2020
I’m so excited to share some of the cool things that I saw at KBIS. The jam-packed 3 day conference was full of innovation and inspiration for kitchen and baths in your home. Compac Surfaces, Thermador and Nobilia were some of my favorite brands and you can read more about them in this post!
Welcome 2020
It’s hard to believe that we’ve started a new decade and so much in my life is changing along with the date! Here’s what’s coming up for SingleBubblePop this year
One Room Challenge // Week 1
I have been keeping something from ya’ll all year and I’m finally ready to share.
I have been dating the same guy for about a year now! If you’ve been reading the blog for a long time then you know that I have been single for many years. When I met “T” he had just moved into the new home that he purchased and it was already beautifully decorated on the first floor (to my surprise!). I actually apologize to him because I assumed that he would have the “typical bachelor set up” of a large leather sectional with no pillows and a huge flatscreen TV with nothing else. What I saw when I first visited his home was far from it, and honestly, that was the start of many pleasant surprises that aided in my falling for him!
Project Reveal: Cozy Breakfast Nook
If you’re not new here, you may remember a transformation we completed last year for two business professionals in need of a living room design they could entertain in.
In case you missed that, you can find out all about it here! We had the honor to continue working in this busy couple’s home by finishing out their breakfast nook area. My goal was to create a cozy space that would serve as a respite before they rush out the door to their demanding jobs. Since we last worked with this couple, they both have gone on to launch their own successful businesses! Being a business owner myself, I can certainly relate to the need to find peace before the day starts, and a breakfast nook is the perfect place to do just that. Let’s look at where we started…
House Beautiful Magazine Feature
I never would have expected that I would be featured in two national magazines this year! I am so thrilled to share that I am featured in the September issue of House Beautiful magazine.
You MUST Do this Before Listing Your Home
Purging has gotten a lot of attention lately thanks to Marie Kondo’s hit Netflix series. The truth is, we don’t need many of the things that we’ve collected over time in our homes. It’s so easy to overlook those overfilled junk drawers and tucked away closets until it’s time to pack up and move. Today I’m giving you 5 tips on how to make the purging process easier before preparing to sell your home!
90s Bathrooms Transformations
Happy April! I cannot believe we’re firmly into spring and I’m heading back to High Point Market this weekend! Be sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with all the goodness I’ll be sharing in my stories!
Before I go, I had to be sure to share the details of this dramatic bathroom renovations! At the beginning of the year, we started to tackle two bathrooms in a 1994 home that needed some TLC. Since these are not the primarily bathroom used, they had been sorely neglected. Keep reading to see the dramatic “before & after”
Before You Enroll in Design School, Read This
Over on Instagram, I get a lot of DM questions about how to become a designer and whether or not one should pursue formal education in order to provide interior design services to clients.
As someone who completed a bachelor’s degree in interior design as a second bachelor’s degree, you would think that I am firmly PRO interior design education. If you haven’t, go back and read my whole design journey story here.
But to be completely honest, I lean more towards the opposite response. Don’t get me wrong, I am absolutely proud that I completed my degree program and I’m so grateful for the education and nurturing I received at Meredith College. However, the interior design industry as a whole is changing so quickly and what most aspiring designers desire to do for a living is NOT what is taught in design school.
This Christmas was the most fun I have had in my adult life! Being the mom of an almost 4-year-old is so fun during the holidays because she’s at the peak of her energy and imagination. Her daycare had a Christmas program where they sang “Happy Birthday Jesus” and she’s been belting it out since December 1st. It’s the absolute cutest, and I’m just soaking it all in. Before the year ends, I’m reflecting on my lessons and wins!